Friday 16 October 2020


It started with my son's epiphany. 

living room chandelier

Aldo lives in Whitehorse -- the frozen north -- and has been studying Emergency Management. When COVID-19 hit the news he watched closely, thinking "This is going to be big!" 

As Canadian government officials advised people to leave the personal protective equipment for hospital staff only, Aldo had a crisis of faith. 

How are we going to protect ourselves? What's going to happen to supply chains? What about the short growing season up here in the Yukon? 

What were he and his family doing with their lives anyways?

When I got the call: "Mom, what if we all bought property in the Kootenays together? We could all grow a garden and fruit trees, and you could be part of our kids' lives."

Bingo! I'd just won the grandparent jackpot. "For sure! Let's do it!" 

That was a few months ago. We've never looked back. 

Houses for sale, hiccups, and an offer on a house with a suite on 4 1/2 acres in Winlaw. 

They need one more assessment before all conditions are off the sale of their place. My 110 year old house has a few issues, but is beautiful, structurally sound, is a ten minute walk from Nelson, and the neighbours are lovely. Viewings, offers -- nothing settled yet.

Aldo, his wife who is due to have a baby next month, and their four year old daughter, along with their dog and cat will be here on Tuesday. It's Friday today.

It's raining outside and I'm soaking in the quiet. I'm getting as much packed away as I can before sharing my small, one bedroom home. We plan to move to Winlaw in November, after the baby's born.

Aldo and I have some long time family friends who may move in with us in the Spring. We've all talked about intentional community over the years, but this sneaked up on us.

kitchen table

Keith has offered to let me stay at his place sometimes while Aldo and his family are here. He and I spend a lot of time here at my place these days. It's where we eat most of our meals and play crib. 

He's not sure what he'll do when I move. Bring the canoes over to the property, maybe build a workshop, stay sometimes, see if he's comfortable...

We've been together close to two years but haven't yet reached the point where we wanted to move in together. This new plan has been a bit of a shock for him. My decisiveness freaks him out.

My future housemates and I all know each other well. Keith not so much. What would he be getting himself into?

All of us are interested in gardening, rural living, making the house more environmentally friendly, and getting to know the neighbours. And giving each other lots of moral support. 

Soon the adventure begins. It's a big change for all of us, and our nerves are frayed. But we're doing our best to communicate well, and to be kind. So far, so good. 

In the meantime, I'll try to get a good night's sleep. I'll keep you posted.

The pictures throughout this post are of the interior of my house in Nelson, BC.


Trying to stay sane. Trying to find something effective to do. There are wildfires all over the province and no rain in the forecast...The s...